Quick try guideΒΆ


Those files are provided AS IS for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY and MUST NOT be used in a PRODUCTION CONTEXT.

To easily try the latest version (nightly build) of CLIP OS 5, you may download pre-built packages, SDK and pre-installed QEMU images from files.clip-os.org.

Be aware that those packages and QEMU images are instrumented, which means they allow full root access without any password on the system.

To run the CLIP OS system in a virtual machine, you will have to install QEMU. It is also strongly recommended to have KVM support enabled for your current user (i.e. your current user is part of the kvm group).

# For Debian & Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86

# For Fedora & CentOS
$ sudo dnf install -y qemu-system-x86

# For Arch Linux
$ sudo pacman -Syu qemu

Then, you can download and start a CLIP OS QEMU virtual machine with the following commands:

# Pick the latest successful build from https://gitlab.com/CLIPOS/ci/pipelines
$ BUILD="$(curl 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/14752889/pipelines?scope=finished&status=success' | jq '.[0].id')"

# Retrieve the QEMU image
$ wget https://files.clip-os.org/$BUILD/qemu.tar.zst

# Extract and enter directory
$ tar xf qemu.tar.zst && cd clipos_*_qemu

# Read the README
$ cat README.md

# Start CLIP OS with QEMU
$ ./qemu.sh

# Start CLIP OS with QEMU without KVM support (not supported, may have issues)
# See: https://discuss.clip-os.org/t/qemu-system-x86-64-overcommit-invalid-option-at-boot/76/12
$ ./qemu-nokvm.sh

You can login as root with no password.