.. Copyright © 2018 ANSSI. CLIP OS is a trademark of the French Republic. Content licensed under the Open License version 2.0 as published by Etalab (French task force for Open Data). .. _contribute: How to contribute ================= Getting started --------------- To work on the CLIP OS project, you should start with the :ref:`toolkit environment setup ` instructions. Bug reports ----------- Bugs should be reported as issues in the `bugs repository on GitHub `_. Submitting patches and code review ---------------------------------- We use `Gerrit `_ to review changes for the project. You may submit patches at `review.clip-os.org `_ (see Gerrit's `User Guide `_ if you are new to Gerrit). .. note:: A GitHub account is required to log into this Gerrit instance. .. note:: In order to push commits for review, you need to use an `HTTP password randomly generated by Gerrit `_. Please note that you can not use your GitHub credentials to push changes to `review.clip-os.org `_. Git access is only provided over HTTPS (i.e. no SSH). .. note:: You should use ``https://review.clip-os.org/clipos/manifest`` as the manifest URL for ``repo init`` (see `toolkit environment setup `_). You may also init the master branch as follows: .. code-block:: shell-session $ repo start master --all Low difficulty issues --------------------- We have tagged some issues with the `good first issue` label to help you identify low difficulty tasks for first time contributors to the project. You may find them in the `bugs repository `_. Continuous integration ---------------------- We use `GitLab CI `_ to automatically build CLIP OS and the projects composing it. The GitLab CI configuration is available in the `CI repository `_, the build status can be tracked on `GitLab `_ and the build artifacts for each pipeline are available at `files.clip-os.org `_. Discussion space ---------------- Discussions about the project should happen on our `Discourse `_ instance at `discuss.clip-os.org `_. Please ask questions there and feel free to submit ideas. You may log in with your GitHub account. Please contact us before committing time on an issue or a change to make sure we will be able to integrate it once completed. If you have specific questions, you may also send a mail to `clipos@ssi.gouv.fr `_. .. vim: set tw=79 ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et: